Summer Challenge 2022: (almost) Last issue?

This entry is part [part not set] of 11 in the series Summer Challenge 2022

We are approaching the end of the month and the challenge (contest). During the last two months, I learned almost all possible issues I can have developing something new. It is a nice lesson for me and everyone who will be here and reading my reports like a diary.


If you are interested in last week’s issue (during publishing this summary it is still partially open) I have an unexpected issue with all my PROD instances for WordPress and our Cloud- and collaboration solution. (We use NextCloud and I write about it mostly in these articles) I have to roll back all instances from Backup. I do not know the root cause for it currently, but some of the functions are not working. (We have problems with working with galleries and file management – that is why Today is without detailed reports)

From the list of improvements that can easily be moved to PROD. I created navigators to already existing example courses and created a special link to a promotion, which is using redirection. In case of change, I can easily redirect from this link to a new destination.

In the case of content. I am working on the checklist for the “Travel 101” course. It will show how content from different sources can be combined together. (Already the best we can see it in the “Berkshire Hathaway” library. We have there links to Twitter, Trello, Berkshire Site, etc.)

The “Travel 101” course/library is currently the one with the most unique visitors. That means my goal from the last report is one of the best ways to be achieved. Based on that I will continue my promotion in the upcoming week and release updates.

Next topic, I work on the “Courses/Library on-boarding Template”, which means there will be a possibility (manually of course at the beginning) to send to me/us ideas, which will be on-boarded and published on our side. Process and how it will see (maybe it will be for some partners?) is still in design. We have still 2 summaries/reports left. I plan to share more in the next issue.

Next step

For next step I can not forget about planed and scheduled initially as next step:

  • In the next step, we will be developing a plugin to replace manual jobs with automation.
  • Also important will be to develop the first additional functions like access management to courses (private, group limited, public)
  • Starting now we also working on the first content for our courses.

In addition to that:

  • Add next content to already existing courses (mostly “Travel 101“)
  • Add sharing possibility. Sharing should share a short link, not the current page link. (Easier to redirect People from already published posts to the proper place)


In the case of data. No change in the budget. Still, we were able to progress with the project without additional spending. Earnings from affiliates are not included. It will be summarised and added in addition to the end of the challenge. (Contest) – 31. August. Today missing the gallery due to above-mentioned issue.

Thank you very much for reaching the end of the Article. I hope you enjoy it and would like to back and track my progress with my challenge. You can do this by special category or in my Twitter profile.

This year I am participating in Challenge, which is coming from Firestarters Community. This community is planning an online event to show an important announcement 9th of September. You can register for the event here.

Series NavigationCybersecurity repository in our summer project >>


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