- Summer Challenge 2022: My Project Summary
- Summer Challenge 2022: (almost) Last issue?
- Summer Challenge 2022: Back from vacation
- Summer Challenge 2022: Developing during vacation (supplement)
- Summer Challenge 2022: Developing a project during vacation time.
- Summer Challenge 2022: Providing first value
- Summer Challenge 2022: Development Time
- Summer Challenge 2022: First issues, unexpected Feedback, evolution?
- Summer Challenge 2022: Extended idea concept and research
- Summer Challenge 2022 – New Project Kick-off
- Cybersecurity repository in our summer project
I am back from my vacation and back to my regular work and project development, but it is not lost time for my project. As I was Traveling I changed schedule and focus just on content. For TravelBlog (not relevant for this challenge) and for new free mini course.
Content Development
As I like Travels (more as part of my life style, not that I am a big Travel-geek) I started to documenting all my experience, tips, and checked processes. On top on above mentioned TravelBlog I created 3rd free mini course “Travel 101“. Currently not so much information, soon it should be starting point for everyone, who would like to Travel somewhere and would like to make it self.
How it is connected with project? I created short link for access to this course. When I will migrate manually created “courses” to destination place I will replace link in “short link” and everyone, who will click on it will be redirected to destination place.
Issue could be with current pages, but I will test if I can delete it and create link instead of pages permalink.
As my Travel content will be now the second most published category in portal. I started promotion for “Travel 101” on the end of each article. It is “reusable block” in WordPress. That means it is created ones and is reused. In addition text can be changed only one and will be visible in each article, where used. Example you can check in Blogelist main portal abstract and in TravelBlog post. (For sure I will be improving text soon)
This week I will also work in addition to adding to example courses link to courses list and sharing functionality. (Promotion one, will promote everything.)
My goal in case of content is that “Travel 101” will be much more popular as rest of example courses already in next week summary. (As you can see in Analytics I am close to reach this goal)
Next step
For next step I can not forget about planed and scheduled initially as next step:
- In the next step, we will be developing a plugin to replace manual jobs with automation.
- Also important will be to develop the first additional functions like access management to courses (private, group limited, public)
- Starting now we also working on the first content for our courses.
In addition to that:
- Add next content to already existing courses (mostly “Travel 101“)
- Add to templates navigator links (“Back to course list”)
- Add sharing possibility. Sharing should share short link, not current page link. (Easier to redirect People from already published posts to proper place)
Budget does not include affiliate and tipping earnings come from “Travel 101“. (Post published in Publish0x and attached to course)
Thank you very much for reaching the end of the Article. I hope you enjoy it and would like to back and track my progress with my challenge. You can do this by special category or in my Twitter profile.
This year I am participating in Challenge, which is coming from Firestarters Community.