- Summer Challenge 2022: My Project Summary
- Summer Challenge 2022: (almost) Last issue?
- Summer Challenge 2022: Back from vacation
- Summer Challenge 2022: Developing during vacation (supplement)
- Summer Challenge 2022: Developing a project during vacation time.
- Summer Challenge 2022: Providing first value
- Summer Challenge 2022: Development Time
- Summer Challenge 2022: First issues, unexpected Feedback, evolution?
- Summer Challenge 2022: Extended idea concept and research
- Summer Challenge 2022 – New Project Kick-off
- Cybersecurity repository in our summer project
I am writing the next summary for Summer Challenge. I faced the first problems and reach the most boring part of the challenge. I finished writing about concepts and start coding. Before I will finish at least an early plugin version. I will expect nothing interesting in case showing results.
This week I started the development phase. As planned as the first step I will be extending the “Blogelist DEV/TEST” instance with a new plugin. The best case would be, then courses part migrate to a brand new instance. I hope I will be able to run some public test installations for it. I created a Backup for the above-mentioned instance (just in case, some steps will be required to make changes in a database.). Because I am working on it alone and my instances setup is enough. I do not have any GitHub or similar tools for code. I am developing a plugin in Visual Studio Code and I configured a new additional FTP user connected to the proper WordPress plugin folder. As FTP Client I use FileZilla.

Example courses
I received the first feedback from the Community (see very bottom of the article) first very valuable feedback. I think I still underestimate (even as it is my second most important use-case) group and entity-shared courses functionality (below example as mock-up based on Blogelist). I need to double-think about this during development.

If we are on the step of the example course. Based on the screen above. I need something like that, but lessons will be not by clicking on the lesson, but it will be available everything in this view already. (Please remember, that all courses materials should be from external sources, tool is responsible only for binding it in form of one course and for finding similar content)
First issues
This week I received an e-mail from Hey-Edu with the affiliate program that I can invite people to the waitlist and newsletter. (Send every Friday) Contains news from web3, education, and Hey-Edu.
if you are interested you can enroll still by clicking the proper button on the Hey-Edu page.
Why it is connected with the summer challenge? Hey-Edu is the same ecosystem as the community, which is an organizer for this year’s challenge and from my perspective from the beginning. My Tool should extend education offers in this community and not be a competitor.
Where is my first issue? I added Twitter as my referral link I think more spontaneously. I should plan it more and do this better. Till Today I have zero registrations from Twitter. After I rethink my strategy I finally earn my first registration.
Unexpected Feedback
I received it some time ago Newsletter from another Person. I did not read it, I Flagged it and waited for a better time. I looked during the weekend on my folder with all flagged items and see the topic about PDF-Hunters and People, who only are interested in Free Content and will leave you when you send a “more commercial” e-mail. I did not ask for such feedback. I received it just in time. It is addressing my primary use case. Together with the Feedback mentioned above. These are the most important feedback from the Market, as there are addressing core assumptions in my project. For various reasons, I am doing this as Project, not as a regular business, but maybe it is wrong? I will be back with new analysis in the future on this Topic. For next week(s) the most important is development and showing more.
I created the first analytics tables in the “NextCloud Analytics” tool. If you are more interested in this Tool. I published also a Today article about this App in the Publish0x portal.
It was not my focus, but step-by-step I can document my progress in this way as well.

- I am started with plugin development.
- I finished reviewing existing WordPress plugins.
- I created a mock-up for the first course based on the existing plugin.
- I received the first feedback, which will have an impact on strategy.
- Statement for the project is documented within NextCloud.
- Still, the priority for next week is the development part.
Thank you very much for reaching the end of the Article. I hope you enjoy it and would like to back and track my progress with my challenge. You can do this by special category or in my Twitter profile.
This year I am participating in Challenge, which is coming from Firestarters Community.