Summer Challenge 2022: Developing during vacation (supplement)

This entry is part [part not set] of 11 in the series Summer Challenge 2022

I am still on my vacation and traveling time. As promised in the last summary, I am publishing a new report with current metrics for the project. I am no longer writing to you from Swiss. I moved to Wrocław and gathered a lot of information, which can soon be used in this project and in the portal in general and provide even more value.


Summer Challenge Report - 09.08.2022
No change in the budget. We still try to use available resources before spend money on project.
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Thank you very much for reaching the end of the Article. I hope you enjoy it and would like to back and track my progress with my challenge. You can do this by special category or in my Twitter profile.

This year I am participating in Challenge, which is coming from Firestarters Community.

Series NavigationCybersecurity repository in our summer project >>


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