[StadtZug] Seebad Seeliken

This entry is part 5 of 16 in the series City of Zug (Swiss) 2022

Do you like swimming? Would you like after the job to visit a nice place and swim? Or maybe you are visiting the city of Zug as a vacation destination? Or Visiting some conference? In all scenarios, we find the Seebad Seeliken as a must-visit destination.

We were in this place two times. One when the weather was good and places were open and the next day, but weather was not so good and the place was closed. (See Gallery) From the Privacy reason in the gallery, you can see mostly photos from the second day.

The Seebad Seeliken is a small place, but you have there WC, a place to change clothes, a place to eat, and of course you can swim, (you have dedicated places if you can’t swim or would like to just try a little bit 😉 ) We drink Coffee and order some pizza. Service quality for both orders was without any problem. We can recommend it.

Original Date/Time for Tour: 04.08.2022 – 8.08.2022
Location: Zug, Canton of Zug, Switzerland
Event: No
Connected to bigger Tour: Katowice – Kraków – Zurich – Zug
Other important: Articles from this trip still under publishing

Seebad Seeliken
« of 14 »

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