Only recently I wrote about open data in administration, and shortly after publication, the data in the database of the Berlin portal was updated. Article available here.

What did we write about?
- Open DatabaseLicense
- OpenPlanB project
- Berlin OpenData Portal
Already during the development of the topic and then translation, just before publication, the data in the prepared photo was replaced with newer ones.
In that entry we wrote about OpenPlanB, among others:
The OpenPlanB project has published extensive data tables [鈥. They include the Deutsche Bahn long-distance rail transport network [鈥. It also includes the addition of long-distance connections between Germany and neighboring countries (e.g. EuroCity connections), [鈥 public transport of Berlin and Branderburg (VBB)
First Article
VBB itself, as we also wrote:
“VBB wants to implement its timetable in the Berlin Open-Data-Portal”.
First Article
And? Well, at the beginning of this month we have an update of VBB data in Berlin Open Data. The data on the website is published in the GTFS format. The relationship also allows you to have registered access to the data API and implement it in your own projects. Whether anything based on this will appear on CentOS or other systems depends only on the willingness of VBB itself, as well as the programmers.
Source: VBB/BerlinOpenData/Stadtstaat Berlin/Own
This article is a translation of the article: “馃嚨馃嚤Aktualizacja danych VBB w Berlin Open Data” from the CentOS Centrum blog, currently in archived form, part of Blogelist, originally published on the Blogspot platform.