My idea for Red Hat Network

el5 el6 el7 lang_en redhat
Many people without a management system with yum, and overlay they can not
without. But there is one problem, and that is the commercial software
provided by external suppliers. You have to manage licenses and
install this software on the computers in the company alone. Here's
the idea of extensions Red Hat Network (or Red Hat Customer Portal)
about the function - online shop with a dedicated software for Red Hat
Enterprise Linux. (Initially, I wrote about it in Red Hat Groups).

-Anyone can easily become a partner of Red Hat and place own software,
get money when other users download it.
-A preliminary verification software by the Red Hat. Is it safe for RHEL.
-Determine whether the business license or the host.
-The opinions and assessments of available software.
-Ability to print information about all licenses and their use in company /
on computers.
-Many options to pay for the selected software.
-Ability to print the invoice / receipt

Example of how to look like the purchase of such software:

Step 1 We find/select the software that we need.
Step 2 Select the quantity (in this example - per host license), optional
architecture and version of RHEL .*
Step 3 Choose your payment method and select options (eg print / request an
Step 4 Go to the list of purchased software and choosing our newly
Step 5 Select add to the systems
Step 6 Select the computers on which you want to install it. We can choose
how many licenses the quantity purchased.
Step 7 Select the button "Automatically install on computers" and
confirm the selected hosts.
Step 8 That's it! After synchronizing with RHN, computers will get One
of our newly purchased software.

This shop would be only for commercial soft. For closed
but free soft, you can simply do a procedure to add this soft to
supplementary, or create a supplementary channel-3rdpart or
supplementary-plus (the name is not important here).

*) - The assumption RHN version and adapts itself to the chosen
architecture of the system and install it right. But I guess that may not
always be possible so you can place an optional feature such as only buying
for EL7 x86_64 version.

Not all functions must be implemented immediately. We know that project
would be develop.

I have ideas for other parts and aspects of this project.
If you are interest, I post it here as well.
(Visited 33 times, 1 visits today)

4 thoughts on “My idea for Red Hat Network

  1. Artykuł jest częścią dyskusji, prowadzonej po Angielsku, wersja Polska była by wyciągnięta z kontekstu, dla osób nie znającej całej dyskusji. Możliwe jest pojawienie się notki na cały temat, ale puki co temat jest zbyt żywy.

  2. Hi Pawel,
    I have a few objections on the usage side of your proposal:

    1) Why do you require to become a Red Hat partner. This exists today and the procedure is not so straight forward as it seems. Yes it is not hard to become a partner but in many cases it is not that useful at all.

    2) Red Hat should not be involved in validating 3rd party software that comes from the app store. The best thing they can do IMHO is to provide a test plan and possibly some tools to perform the tests but leave execution to the ISV. This is similar to their hardware certification program – you can download the tools (v7 test suite) and run it on your hardware and then submit the results to Red Hat to include in their HW catalogue.

    3) Why do you distinguish between purely commercial software (e.g. proprietary) and 3rd party open source packages. It's all the same. For example I support a custom build of some packages which are not available in RHEL/EPEL and which my customers need. They are happy to pay for bug fixes and updates. It's like proprietary software in practice.

    4) Adding things to Supplementary IMHO is very hard. AFAIK this is reserved for big partners such as IBM. I think it is simpler to stick to the model of creating a custom channel, upload your RPMs there and select how much you'd like to charge the people that use it.

    5) Also I'd like to be able to use some more of Red Hat's support infrastructure such as bug tracker, issue tracker, knowledge base and such so that a small company doesn't have to manage all these resources on its own.

  3. Hi,

    My mistake, I meant is that anyone can easily be a "salesman" of software and sell own ideas in such RHStore.

    So this is also one of the options. This case in my idea is not mandatory. Red Hat And here certainly have invented something to make it acceptable for them and for us customers (sellers too).

    Here indeed full right! This argument appeals to me, not thought about that. Actually better not to multiply and simplify it only impede this way.

    And here I see my mistake (from point 3 as well). It's a mistake in my reasoning was to divide the "custom" channel and brought to the supplementary packages (or similar). After the arguments (step 3), it is better to get everything in the store They brought the idea to just such "custom" channels (Which is indeed the main idea in RHStore).

    I am glad that this discussion is still live. It is good that this idea is evolves. Key in all of this are those custom channels – from this idea can be build other things. Are there any new ideas? If yes, it will be good to gather all arguments in one place.

    Best regards,

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