Introduction to NextCloud Series – My use cases and experience

We started from the Technology topic (our predecessor is the “CentOS Centrum” blog, now in our archive.), and last time, there was no new Technology content. We would like to back to this. We would like to introduce a series of Articles about the NextCloud platform, which is used also for collaboration for Blogelist purposes. We will publish more articles soon and some of them will be describing Blogelist use cases as well.

You can read the post under this link. Thank you!

Attention!! The above link will go to the external side outside the Blogelist domain. It is ok. NextCloud series is the first one, which is published on the external side, but it will be linked and promoted on our main portal/page.

We are not part of NextCloud Team or we are not working with them or partnering. We will be publishing our experience, feelings and opinions, which will be completely independent of the NC Team/Developers.

The above Article contains an Affiliate and tracking link. We could earn an additional premium if you will be used our links to read destination Articles.


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